Simple & Easy to use
An advanced online medical consultation platform which integrates collaborative communication seamlessly,enabling efficient and more convenient models of health care delivery.
No Downloads
Doesn’t need any additional software, it just works as a simple URL.So it just works in the browser of choice!
White labelled
Change the styling to meet your brand identity and styling.
Familiar Process
A patient can schedule,reschedule or cancel appointments the way that they would normally do.
Employs the best in encrypted standards to transmit and to store patient records if the patient so chooses.
Omni-Channel Experience
High quality video and audio to ensure that the consultant and the patient have the best experience possible.
Track usage, analyse trends, identify opportunities. Monitor trends and overall program performance to individual consultants
See it in action
Med.Live was designed and developed with the patient in mind. A user friendly, easy to use non-intimidating environment is what we have built.